Inspirations from "The Elegance of the Hedgehog" a novel by Murial Barberry:
Greek concept that means roughly "the right moment"
"When tea becomes ritual, it takes its place at the heart of our ability to see greatness in small things. Where is beauty to be found? In great things, that like everything else are doomed to die, or in small things that aspire to nothing, yet know how to set a jewel of infinity in a single moment?"
A poem by Renata Laurentino, recited during Warriors Without Weapons 2012:
Eu agradeço a todas Deusas e Deuses,
A todas as entidades, todos os guias,
Aos mestres e seres iluminados que povoam a Terra.
A todos os seres de luz de todos planos.
Abro o meu portal coronário, para que a inspiração entre,
Que minha arte transborde pelo meu corpo,
Sensibilizando a todos que entram em contato com ela.
Agradeço desde já pelas oportunidades de me expressar e expandir.
Que eu possa passar por diversos cantos do planeta vivenciando arte!
Que eu tenha forças para conduzir a minha missão pelos caminhos, desviando de tudo que não venha acrescentar.
Que todos os seres que moram em mim possam se libertar em minhas criações.
Que eu seja dança, canto, palavra e liberdade!
Salve, todos os elementos!
Salve, todos os seres!
Salve, todos os povos!
Salve, todas as divinidades!
Salve, todos os meus eus!
- Renata Laurentino, 18 de janeiro de 2011
Translation by me:
I thank all Goddesses and Gods,
All entities and all guides,
Masters and illuminated beings that inhabit the Earth,
Light beings from all planes.
I open my crown portal, so that inspiration can enter,
So that art overflows from my body,
Bringing awareness to everyone that comes in contact with it.
I thank from now on, for the opportunities to express and expand myself,
So that I can pass through diverse corners of the planet, experiencing art!
That I may have strength to steer my missions through paths, avoiding everything that doesn't help me grow.
That all the beings that dwell within me can be freed through my creations,
That I may be dance, song, word and freedom!
Save, all the elements!
Save, all the beings!
Save, all the people!
Save, all the divinities!
Save, all my I's.